Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Conquering the World

Okay, so this is going to be kind of round-about, but stick with me, 'cause it's kind of profound, for me at least.

So, I've become kind of addicted to House because Greg House is ridiculous and insane and really really emotionally retarted/stunted. My father is quite a bit like House in that regard (as am I - we're cut from the same cloth). Dad and I don't do well with emotional mumbo-jumbo crap, though I must say, I'm a modicum better with it than he is. At any rate, praise does not come easily to my father. When I was a kid pulling down A's in class, he reminded me constantly that I was a disgrace to the family name because I REFUSED to get Cs (this was his way of telling me he was proud of me-- see, I told you it was going to be convoluted). And dinner is always adequate. This is the highest praise you will get for dinner (no matter who cooks it), I even learned how to say it when I was three. At any rate, he now has hold of my baby (my manuscript). He got it Sunday, though didn't really begin it until Monday morning. It is now Wednesday and he's 113 pages in! Last night, he told my mother, and I quote, "Well, it's not really my cup of tea, but I have to admit, I had a hard time putting it down. It's a page turner." Now I don't know if I've expressed to you the scope of what a monstrous occassion this was! But it was a BIG deal. HUGE!!! In fact! When I got home last night he asked me if he could retire when I got rich and famous because I could have a SERIOUS career in writing.

I know feel that if I can conquer my father, the single least sentimental and sappy guy I know into reading a romance and, brace yourselves, thinking it's GOOD, then the rest of the world will be a piece of cake! I think I was happier with this news than I was when I acutally finished the first draft of the manuscript. We'll see if he has the same feelings after he's read all the naughty bits. :-)