Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Writing, Writing, Wrote!

Hello to all of my followers who are on here less sporadically than I! 
I have been seriously remiss in my authorial duties of keeping my blog and website updated, and for that I apologize. :-) 
Just a few updates to share with everyone.

I am now working on my fourth novel. The first has been approved as my thesis and "passed" for my Master's degree. The second is off being read and critiqued by a crit partner and the third is being actively polished, and will be submitted to an editor in 25 days... not that I'm counting or anything :-)  Number four is the sequel to the first book and is about half-way plotted and I'm only 25 pages into it. Lots of work to do on that one, but so far so good! 

Will be moving back to the states in just under two months, and where life will go from there, I'm not yet sure. But I know it will include writing and probably teaching in some capacity. Done with my quick notes now, some other writerly stuff coming soon. 

But here's a picture of a wonderful notebook that I bought in Belfast at a market. Hand-crafted, rather expensive, but totally worth it!


Isn't it pretty?????? I can't wait to fill it with notes and musings and "kindling" for my writing. I promise to type up and post anything that's fabulous. :-)